Hasty Badger
Small UI library (a branch of Turbo Badger)
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tb::TBStr Member List

This is the complete list of members for tb::TBStr, including all inherited members.

Append(const char *ins, int ins_len=TB_ALL_TO_TERMINATION)tb::TBStrinline
Append(const TBStr &str)tb::TBStrinline
atof() const tb::TBStrinline
atoi() const tb::TBStrinline
atol() const tb::TBStrinline
Clear() (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
Compare(const char *str) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
CStr() const tb::TBStrinline
Equals(const char *str) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
Insert(int ofs, const char *ins, int ins_len=TB_ALL_TO_TERMINATION)tb::TBStr
IsEmpty() const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
Length() const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
operator bool() const tb::TBStrexplicit
operator char *() const tb::TBStrinlineexplicit
operator const char *() const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinlineexplicit
operator std::string() const tb::TBStrinline
operator!=(const TBStrC &b) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
operator*() const tb::TBStrinline
operator<(const TBStrC &b) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
operator=(TBStr str)tb::TBStrinline
operator==(const char *b) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
operator==(const TBStrC &b) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
operator==(const std::string &b) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
operator[](int n) const (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
Remove(int ofs, int len) (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
s (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCprotected
Set(TBStr str) (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStrinline
SetFormatted(const char *format,...) TB_POST_FORMAT(2 (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
TBStr() (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
TBStr(const TBStr &str) (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
TBStr(TBStr &&str) (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
TBStr(const char *str) (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
TBStr(const char *str, int len) (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr
TBStrC(const char *str) (defined in tb::TBStrC)tb::TBStrCinline
TBValue (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStrfriend
~TBStr() (defined in tb::TBStr)tb::TBStr