Hasty Badger
Small UI library (a branch of Turbo Badger)
tb | This file contains a very simple unit testing framework |
TBAnimationListener | TBAnimationListener - Listens to the progress of TBAnimationObject |
TBAnimationObject | TBAnimationObject - Base class for all animated object |
TBAnimationManager | TBAnimationManager - System class that manages all animated object |
TBAnimationBlocker | TBAnimationBlocker blocks new animations during its lifetime |
TBAnimatedFloat | |
TBFloatAnimator | |
TBWidgetAnimationObject | Base class for widget animations |
TBWidgetAnimationOpacity | Animate the opacity of the target widget |
TBWidgetAnimationRect | Animate the rectangle of the target widget |
TBWidgetsAnimationManager | |
TBParserTarget | |
TBParserStream | |
TBParser | |
TBImageLoader | TBImageloader is a class used to load skin images |
TBSpaceAllocator | Allocator of space out of a given available space |
Space | A chunk of space |
TBFragmentSpaceAllocator | Allocates space for TBBitmapFragment in a row (used in TBBitmapFragmentMap) |
TBBitmapFragmentMap | TBBitmapFragmentMap is used to pack multiple bitmaps into a single TBBitmap |
TBBitmapFragment | TBBitmapFragment represents a sub part of a TBBitmap |
TBBitmapFragmentManager | TBBitmapFragmentManager manages loading bitmaps of arbitrary size, pack as many of them into as few TBBitmap as possible |
TBColor | TBColor contains a 32bit color |
TBColorManager | TBColorManager contains a map of global color names |
TBDimensionConverter | TBDimensionConverter converts device independant points to pixels, based on two DPI values |
TBTextFragmentContentWidget | |
TBEditFieldContentFactory | The default content factory for embedded content in TBEditField with styling enabled |
TBEditFieldScrollRoot | TBEditFieldScrollRoot - Internal for TBEditField |
TBEditField | TBEditField is a one line or multi line textfield that is editable or read-only |
TBFontDescription | TBFontDescription describes a font |
TBFontGlyphData | TBFontGlyphData is rendering info used during glyph rendering by TBFontRenderer |
TBGlyphMetrics | TBGlyphMetrics contains metrics for a font glyph |
TBFontMetrics | TBFontMetrics contains metrics for a font face |
TBFontRenderer | TBFontRenderer renders glyphs from a font file |
TBFontGlyph | TBFontGlyph holds glyph metrics and bitmap fragment |
TBFontGlyphCache | TBFontGlyphCache caches glyphs for font faces |
TBFontEffect | TBFontEffect applies an effect on each glyph that is rendered in a TBFontFace |
TBFontFace | TBFontFace represents a loaded font that can measure and render strings |
TBFontInfo | TBFontInfo provides information about a font file associated with a font id |
TBFontManager | TBFontManager creates and owns font faces (TBFontFace) which are looked up from TBFontDescription using GetFontFace |
TBPoint | Simple point class |
TBRect | Simple rectangle class |
TBRegion | TBRegion does calculations on regions represented by a list of rectangles |
TBHashTable | TBHashTable is a minimal hash table, for hashing anything using a uint32_t key |
TBHashTableIterator | TBHashTableIterator is a iterator for stepping through all content stored in a TBHashTable |
TBHashTableIteratorOf | TBHashTableIteratorOf is a TBHashTableIterator which auto cast to the class type |
TBHashTableOf | TBHashTableOf is a TBHashTable with the given class type as content |
TBHashTableAutoDeleteOf | TBHashTableOf is a TBHashTable with the given class type as content |
TBID | TBID is a wrapper for a uint32_t to be used as ID |
TBInlineSelect | TBSelectList is a select widget with no popups |
TBLanguage | TBLanguage is a basic language string manager |
TBLayout | TBLayout layouts its children along the given axis |
TBLinkListIterator | TBLinkListIterator - The backend class for a safe iteration of a TBLinkList |
TBLink | TBLink - The backend class to be inserted in TBLinkList |
TBLinkOf | |
TBLinkList | TBLinkList - This is the backend for TBLinkListOf and TBLinkListAutoDeleteOf |
TBLinkListOf | TBLinkListOf is a double linked linklist |
Iterator | Typed iterator for safe iteration |
TBLinkListAutoDeleteOf | TBLinkListAutoDeleteOf is a double linked linklist that deletes all links on destruction |
TBListBackend | TBList is a list (array) of pointers to any kind of objects |
TBListOf | TBListOf is a list (array) of pointers to the specified object type |
TBListAutoDeleteOf | TBListAutoDeleteOf is a list (array) of pointers to the specified object type |
TBMenuWindow | TBMenuWindow is a popup window that shows a list of items (TBSelectList) |
TBMessageWindowSettings | TBMessageWindowSettings contains additional settings for TBMessageWindow |
TBMessageWindow | TBMessageWindow is a window for showing simple messages |
TBMessageData | TBMessageData holds custom data to send with a posted message |
TBMessageLink | TBMessageLink should never be created or subclassed anywhere except in TBMessage |
TBMessage | TBMessage is a message created and owned by TBMessageHandler |
TBMessageHandler | TBMessageHandler handles a list of pending messages posted to itself |
TBNodeRefTree | TBNodeRefTree is a named TBNode |
TBNodeRefTreeListener | TBNodeRefTreeListener receive OnDataChanged when the value of a node in a TBNodeRefTree is changed |
FileParser | |
DataParser | |
TBNodeTarget | |
TBNode | TBNode is a tree node with a string name and a value (TBValue) |
TBTypedObject | |
TBPopupAlignment | TBPopupAlignment describes the preferred alignment of a popup relative to a target widget or a given point |
TBPopupWindow | TBPopupWindow is a popup window that redirects any child widgets events through the given target |
TBRendererListener | TBRendererListener is a listener for TBRenderer |
TBBitmap | TBBitmap is a minimal interface for bitmap to be painted by TBRenderer |
TBRenderer | TBRenderer is a minimal interface for painting strings and bitmaps |
TBScrollContainerRoot | TBScrollContainerRoot - Internal for TBScrollContainer |
TBScrollBarVisibility | TBScrollBarVisibility - Helper for TBScrollContainer or any other scrollable container that needs to solve scrollbar visibility according to SCROLL_MODE |
TBScrollContainer | TBScrollContainer - A container with scrollbars that can scroll its children |
TBScrollerFunction | TBScrollerFunction does the calculations of time, speed and distance that decides how the slow down of a scroll will happen |
TBScrollerSnapListener | TBScrollerSnapListener may override the target scroll position of a TBScroller |
TBScroller | TBScroller handles panning while the pointer is down and measure the pan speed over time |
TBSelectList | TBSelectList shows a scrollable list of items provided by a TBSelectItemSource |
TBSelectDropdown | TBSelectDropdown shows a button that opens a popup with a TBSelectList with items provided by a TBSelectItemSource |
TBSimpleLayoutItemWidget | TBSimpleLayoutItemWidget is a item containing a layout with the following: -TBSkinImage showing the item image |
TBSelectItemViewer | TBSelectItemViewer is the viewer for items provided by TBSelectItemSource |
TBSelectItemSource | TBSelectItemSource is a item provider interface for list widgets (TBSelectList and TBSelectDropdown) |
TBSelectItemSourceList | TBSelectItemSourceList is a item provider for list widgets (TBSelectList and TBSelectDropdown) |
TBGenericStringItem | TBGenericStringItem item for TBGenericStringItemSource |
TBGenericSeparatorItem | Item Separator |
TBGenericStringItemSource | TBGenericStringItemSource is a item source list providing items of type TBGenericStringItem |
TBSkinCondition | TBSkinCondition checks if a condition is true for a given TBSkinConditionContext |
CONDITION_INFO | Stores the information needed for checking a condition |
TBSkinConditionContext | TBSkinConditionContext checks if a condition is true |
TBSkinElementState | TBSkinElementState has a skin element id that should be used if its state and condition matches that which is being painted |
TBSkinElementStateList | List of state elements in a TBSkinElement |
TBSkinElement | Skin element |
TBSkinListener | |
TBSkin | TBSkin contains a list of TBSkinElement |
TBStrC | Simple string class that doesn't own or change the string pointer |
TBStr | TBStr is a simple string class |
TBStyleEditListener | Listener for TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentFactory | Creates TBTextFragmentContent if the sequence of text matches known content |
TBTextOfs | |
TBSelection | Handles the selected text in a TBStyleEdit |
TBCaret | The caret in a TBStyleEdit |
TBTextProps | TBTextProps is a stack of properties used during layout & paint of TBStyleEdit |
Data | |
TBBlock | A block of text (a line, that might be wrapped) |
TBUndoEvent | Event in the TBUndoRedoStack |
TBUndoRedoStack | Keeps track of all TBUndoEvents used for undo and redo functionality |
TBTextFragment | The textfragment baseclass for TBStyleEdit |
TBStyleEdit | Edit and formats TBTextFragment's |
TBTextFragmentContent | Content for a non-text TBTextFragment |
TBTextFragmentContentHR | A horizontal line for TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentUnderline | Fragment content that enables underline in a TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentTextColor | Fragment content that changes color in a TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentTextSize | Fragment content that changes size in a TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentSuperscript | Fragment content that changes size in a TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentSubscript | Fragment content that changes size in a TBStyleEdit |
TBTextFragmentContentStylePop | Fragment content that ends a change of style in a TBStyleEdit |
TBSystem | TBSystem is porting interface for the underlaying OS |
TBClipboard | TBClipboard is a portable interface for the clipboard |
TBFile | TBFile is a portable interface for file access |
TBTabLayout | TBTabLayout is a TBLayout used in TBTabContainer to apply some default properties on any TBButton added to it |
TBTabContainer | TBTabContainer - A container with tabs for multiple pages |
TBTempBuffer | TBTempBuffer manages a buffer that will be deleted on destruction |
TBToggleContainer | TBToggleContainer is a widget that toggles a property when its value change between 0 and 1 |
TBSectionHeader | TBSectionHeader is just a thin wrapper for a TBButton that is in toggle mode with the skin TBSectionHeader by default |
TBSection | TBSection is a widget with a header that when clicked toggles its children on and off (using a internal TBToggleContainer with TOGGLE_EXPANDED) |
TBValueArray | TBValueArray is an array of TBValue |
TBValue | TBValue holds value of a specific type |
TBWidgetSkinConditionContext | Check if a condition is true for a widget when painting a skin |
TBWidgetValueConnection | TBWidgetValueConnection maintains a connection between TBWidget and TBWidgetValue |
TBWidgetValue | TBWidgetValue stores a TBValue that will be synchronized with all widgets connected to it |
TBValueGroupListener | Listener that will be notified when any of the values in a TBValueGroup is changed |
TBValueGroup | TBValueGroup is a collection of widget values (TBWidgetValue) that can be fetched by name (using a TBID) |
TBLongClickTimer | One shot timer for long click event |
TBWidgetEvent | |
TBWidgetEventMultiGesture | TBWidgetEventMultiGesture is a event of type EVENT_TYPE_MULTI_GESTURE It contains the corresponding values for MultiGesture events |
TBWidgetEventFinger | TBWidgetEventFinger is a subclass of TBWidgetEvent It is triggered by finger event such as up down or move |
TBWidgetEventFileDrop | TBWidgetEventFileDrop is a event of type EVENT_TYPE_FILE_DROP |
PreferredSize | PreferredSize contains size preferences for a TBWidget |
LayoutParams | LayoutParams defines size preferences for a TBWidget that are set on the widget to override size preferences from skin and widget |
SizeConstraints | Specifies size constraints used during size calculations |
TBWidget | The base TBWidget class |
PaintProps | PaintProps contains properties needed for painting a widget |
ScrollInfo | Information about scrolling for a widget at the time of calling GetScrollInfo |
TBWidgetString | TBWidgetString holds a string that can be painted as one line with the set alignment |
TBTextField | TBTextField is a one line text field that is not editable |
TBButton | TBButton is a regular button widget with auto repeat, toggle and group capabilities |
ButtonLayout | |
TBClickLabel | TBClickLabel has a text field in its internal layout by default |
TBSkinImage | TBSkinImage is a widget showing a skin element, constrained in size to its skin |
TBSeparator | TBSeparator is a widget only showing a skin |
TBProgressSpinner | TBProgressSpinner is a animation that is running while its value is 1 |
TBRadioCheckBox | TBRadioCheckBox has shared functionality for TBCheckBox and TBRadioButton |
TBCheckBox | TBCheckBox is a box toggling a check mark on click |
TBRadioButton | TBRadioButton is a button which unselects other radiobuttons of the same group number when clicked |
TBScrollBar | TBScrollBar is a scroll bar in the given axis |
TBSliderX | TBSlider is a horizontal or vertical slider for a number within a range |
TBContainer | TBContainer is just a TBWidget with border and padding (using skin "TBContainer") |
TBMover | TBMover is moving its parent widget when dragged |
TBResizer | TBResizer is a lower right corner resize grip |
TBDimmer | TBDimmer dim widgets in the background and block input |
TBWidgetListenerGlobalLink | TBWidgetListenerGlobalLink should never be created or subclassed anywhere except in TBWidgetListener |
TBWidgetListener | TBWidgetListener listens to some callbacks from TBWidget |
TBWidgetSafePointer | TBWidgetSafePointer keeps a pointer to a widget that will be set to nullptr if the widget is removed |
MTEnum | |
INFLATE_INFO | INFLATE_INFO contains info passed to TBWidget::OnInflate during resource loading |
TBWidgetFactory | TBWidgetFactory creates a widget from a TBNode |
TBWidgetsReader | TBWidgetsReader parse a resource file (or buffer) into a TBNode tree, and turns it into a hierarchy of widgets |
TBWindow | TBWindow is a TBWidget that provides some window-like features |
NSVGgradient | |
NSVGgradientStop | |
NSVGimage | |
NSVGpaint | |
NSVGpath | |
NSVGshape | |
stbi_io_callbacks | |
stbtt__bitmap | |
stbtt_aligned_quad | |
stbtt_bakedchar | |
stbtt_fontinfo | |
stbtt_pack_context | |
stbtt_pack_range | |
stbtt_packedchar | |
stbtt_vertex |