Hasty Badger
Small UI library (a branch of Turbo Badger)
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tb::TBWidget Class Reference

The base TBWidget class. More...

#include <tb_widgets.h>

Inheritance diagram for tb::TBWidget:
tb::TBTypedObject tb::TBLinkOf< TBWidget > tb::TBLink tb::TBButton tb::TBClickLabel tb::TBContainer tb::TBDimmer tb::TBEditField tb::TBEditFieldScrollRoot tb::TBInlineSelect tb::TBLayout tb::TBMover tb::TBProgressSpinner tb::TBRadioCheckBox tb::TBResizer tb::TBScrollBar tb::TBScrollContainer tb::TBScrollContainerRoot tb::TBSection tb::TBSelectList tb::TBSeparator tb::TBSkinImage tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T > tb::TBTabContainer tb::TBTextField tb::TBToggleContainer tb::TBWindow


class  PaintProps
 PaintProps contains properties needed for painting a widget. More...
class  ScrollInfo
 Information about scrolling for a widget at the time of calling GetScrollInfo. More...

Public Types

 Type used for InvalidateLayout. More...

Public Member Functions

 For safe typecasting.
 TBWidget (TBValue::TYPE sync_type=TBValue::TYPE_NULL)
virtual ~TBWidget ()
virtual void SetRect (const TBRect &rect)
 Set the rect for this widget in its parent. More...
const TBRectGetRect () const
 See TBWidget::SetRect.
void SetPosition (const TBPoint &pos)
 Set position of this widget in its parent. More...
void SetSize (int width, int height)
 Set size of this widget. More...
void Invalidate ()
 Invalidate should be called if the widget need to be repainted, to make sure the renderer repaints it and its children next frame. More...
void InvalidateStates ()
 Call if something changes that might need other widgets to update their state. More...
void InvalidateSkinStates ()
 Call if something changes that might cause any skin to change due to different state or conditions. More...
void Die ()
 Delete the widget with the possibility for some extended life during animations. More...
bool GetIsDying () const
 Return true if this widget or any of its parents is dying. More...
void SetID (const TBID &id)
 Set the id reference for this widgets. More...
 See TBWidget::SetID.
const TBIDGetID () const
 See TBWidget::SetID.
void SetGroupID (const TBID &id)
 Set the group id reference for this widgets. More...
TBIDGetGroupID ()
 See TBWidget::SetGroupID.
const TBIDGetGroupID () const
 See TBWidget::SetGroupID.
TBWidgetGetWidgetByID (const TBID &id) const
 Get this widget or any child widget with a matching id, or nullptr if none is found. More...
template<class T >
T * GetWidgetByIDAndType (const TBID &id) const
 Get this widget or any child widget with a matching id and type, or nullptr if none is found. More...
void SetState (WIDGET_STATE state, bool on)
 Enable or disable the given state(s). More...
bool GetState (WIDGET_STATE state) const
 Get status of the given state(s). More...
void SetStateRaw (WIDGET_STATE state)
 Set the widget state. More...
WIDGET_STATE GetStateRaw () const
 Get the widget state. More...
WIDGET_STATE GetAutoState () const
 Return the current combined state for this widget. More...
void SetOpacity (float opacity)
 Set opacity for this widget and its children from 0.0 - 1.0. More...
float GetOpacity () const
 See TBWidget::SetOpacity.
void SetVisibility (WIDGET_VISIBILITY vis)
 Set visibility for this widget and its children. More...
WIDGET_VISIBILITY GetVisibility () const
 See TBWidget::SetVisibility.
bool GetVisibilityCombined () const
 Return true if this widget and all its ancestors are visible (has a opacity > 0 and visibility WIDGET_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE)
bool GetDisabled () const
 Return true if this widget or any of its parents are disabled (has state WIDGET_STATE_DISABLED). More...
 Add the child to this widget. More...
void AddChildRelative (TBWidget *child, WIDGET_Z_REL z, TBWidget *reference, WIDGET_INVOKE_INFO info=WIDGET_INVOKE_INFO_NORMAL)
 Add the child to this widget. More...
 Remove child from this widget without deleting it. More...
void RemoveFromParent ()
 Remove this widget from parent if it has one. More...
void DeleteAllChildren ()
 Remove and delete all children in this widget. More...
void SetZ (WIDGET_Z z)
 Sets the z-order of this widget related to its siblings. More...
void SetZInflate (WIDGET_Z z)
 Set the z order in which children are added during resource loading. More...
WIDGET_Z GetZInflate () const
 See TBWidget::SetZInflate.
void SetGravity (WIDGET_GRAVITY g)
 Set the widget gravity (any combination of WIDGET_GRAVITY). More...
WIDGET_GRAVITY GetGravity () const
 See TBWidget::SetGravity.
 Set the skin background for this widget and call OnSkinChanged if it changed. More...
TBID GetSkinBg () const
 Return the current skin background, as set by SetSkinBg. More...
TBSkinElementGetSkinBgElement ()
 Return the skin background element, or nullptr. More...
void SetIsGroupRoot (bool group_root)
 Set if this widget is a group root. More...
bool GetIsGroupRoot () const
 See TBWidget::SetIsGroupRoot.
void SetIsFocusable (bool focusable)
 Set if this widget should be able to receive focus or not. More...
bool GetIsFocusable () const
 See TBWidget::SetIsFocusable.
void SetClickByKey (bool click_by_key)
 Set if this widget should emulate a click when it's focused and pressing enter or space. More...
bool GetClickByKey () const
 See TBWidget::SetClickByKey.
void SetWantLongClick (bool want_long_click)
 Set if this widget should generate long-click event (or context menu event if nothing handles the long click event). More...
bool GetWantLongClick () const
 See TBWidget::SetWantLongClick.
void SetIgnoreInput (bool ignore_input)
 Set if this widget should ignore input, as if it didn't exist. More...
bool GetIgnoreInput () const
 See TBWidget::SetIgnoreInput.
bool GetIsInteractable () const
 Get if this widget wants interaction depending on various states. More...
 Set this widget to be the focused widget. More...
bool GetIsFocused () const
 See TBWidget::SetFocus.
 Call SetFocus on all children and their children, until a widget is found that accepts it. More...
bool MoveFocus (bool forward)
 Move focus from the currently focused widget to another focusable widget. More...
TBWidgetGetWidgetAt (int x, int y, bool include_children) const
 Returns the child widget that contains the coordinate or nullptr if no one does. More...
TBWidgetGetChildFromIndex (int index) const
 Get the child at the given index, or nullptr if there was no child at that index. More...
int GetIndexFromChild (TBWidget *child) const
 Get the child index of the given widget (that must be a child of this widget). More...
TBStr GetTextByID (const TBID &id)
 Get the text of a child widget with the given id, or an empty string if there was no widget with that id. More...
int GetValueByID (const TBID &id)
 Get the value of a child widget with the given id, or 0 if there was no widget with that id. More...
TBWidgetGetNextDeep (const TBWidget *bounding_ancestor=nullptr) const
 Get the next node in depth search of the widget tree. More...
TBWidgetGetPrevDeep () const
 Get the prev node in depth search of the widget tree. More...
TBWidgetGetLastLeaf () const
 Get the last leaf of a depth search of the widget tree. More...
TBWidgetGetFirstChild () const
 Get the widget's first child. More...
TBWidgetGetLastChild () const
 Get the widget's last child. More...
TBLinkListOf< TBWidget >::Iterator GetIteratorForward ()
 Create an iterator to iterate through the widget's children, forward. More...
TBLinkListOf< TBWidget >::Iterator GetIteratorBackward ()
 Create an iterator to iterate through the widget's children, backward. More...
bool IsAncestorOf (TBWidget *other_widget) const
 Return true if this widget is the same or a ancestor of other_widget. More...
bool IsEventDestinationFor (TBWidget *other_widget) const
 Return true if this widget is the same as other_widget or if other_widget events are going through this widget (See GetEventDestination())
void AddListener (TBWidgetListener *listener)
 Add a listener to this widget. More...
void RemoveListener (TBWidgetListener *listener)
 See TBWidget::AddListener.
bool HasListener (TBWidgetListener *listener) const
 See TBWidget::AddListener.
virtual bool OnEvent (const TBWidgetEvent &)
 Callback for handling events. More...
virtual void OnProcess ()
 Callback for doing anything that might be needed before paint. More...
virtual void OnProcessAfterChildren ()
 Callback for doing anything that might be needed before paint. More...
virtual void OnProcessStates ()
 Callback for doing state updates that depend on your application state. More...
virtual void OnPaint (const PaintProps &)
 Callback for painting this widget. More...
virtual void OnPaintChildren (const PaintProps &paint_props)
 Callback for painting child widgets. More...
virtual void OnInvalid ()
 Callback for when this widget or any of its children have called Invalidate()
virtual void OnSkinChanged ()
 Called when the background skin changes by calling SetSkinBg(), or when the skin has changed indirectly after a skin condition changes in a way that may affect layout. More...
virtual void OnFontChanged ()
 Called when the font has changed. More...
virtual void OnFocusChanged (bool)
 Called when the focus has changed. More...
virtual void OnVisibilityChanged ()
 Called when the visibility has changed. More...
virtual void OnCaptureChanged (bool)
 Called when the capture has changed. More...
virtual void OnChildAdded (TBWidget *)
 Called when a child widget has been added to this widget (before calling OnAdded on child). More...
virtual void OnChildRemove (TBWidget *)
 Called when a child widget is about to be removed from this widget (before calling OnRemove on child). More...
virtual void OnAdded ()
 Called when this widget has been added to a parent (after calling OnChildAdded on parent). More...
virtual void OnRemove ()
 Called when a this widget has been removed from its parent (after calling OnChildRemove on parent). More...
virtual void OnDie ()
 Called when Die() is called on this widget. More...
virtual void OnResized (int old_w, int old_h)
 Called when this widget has been resized. More...
virtual void OnScroll (int, int)
 Called when this widget has been scrolled. More...
virtual void OnInflateChild (TBWidget *child)
 Called just after a child has been inflated into this widget. More...
virtual void OnInflate (const INFLATE_INFO &info)
 Called when this widget is inflated from resources, before any children have been inflated. More...
virtual void OnDeflate (const INFLATE_INFO &info)
 Called when this widget is deflated to a node, before any children have been deflated. More...
virtual WIDGET_HIT_STATUS GetHitStatus (int x, int y)
 Get hit status tests if this widget should be hit at the given coordinate. More...
virtual bool GetCustomSkinCondition (const TBSkinCondition::CONDITION_INFO &)
 Get if skin condition applies to this widget. More...
virtual TBWidgetGetContentRoot ()
 Get this widget or a child widget that should be root for other children. More...
TBWidgetGetParentRoot ()
 Get this widget or a parent widget that is the absolute root parent. More...
TBWindowGetParentWindow ()
 Get the closest parent widget that is a TBWindow or nullptr if there is none. More...
TBWidgetGetParent () const
 Get the parent widget, or nullptr if this widget is not added. More...
virtual TBWidgetGetEventDestination ()
 Get the widget that should receive the events this widget invoke. More...
virtual void GetChildTranslation (int &x, int &y) const
 Return translation the children should have. More...
virtual void ScrollTo (int, int)
 If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it should scroll to the coordinates x, y. More...
void ScrollToSmooth (int x, int y)
 Start the TBScroller for this widget and scroll it to the given position. More...
void ScrollBy (int dx, int dy)
 If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it will scroll by delta dx, dy relative to its current position. More...
void ScrollBySmooth (int dx, int dy)
 Start the TBScroller for this widget and scroll it by the given delta. More...
virtual ScrollInfo GetScrollInfo ()
 If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it should return the current scroll information. More...
virtual TBWidgetGetScrollRoot ()
 If this widget is implementing ScrollTo and GetScrollInfo but the corresponding GetChildTranslation is implemented on a child, you should return that child from this method. More...
void ScrollByRecursive (int &dx, int &dy)
 Scroll this widget and/or any parent widgets by the given delta. More...
void ScrollIntoViewRecursive ()
 Make this widget visible by calling ScrollIntoView on all parent widgets.
void ScrollIntoView (const TBRect &rect)
 If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it will scroll so that rect is visible. More...
TBScrollerGetScroller ()
 Return the TBScroller set up for this widget, or nullptr if creation failed. More...
virtual void SetAxis (AXIS)
 Set along which axis the content should be layed out. More...
virtual AXIS GetAxis () const
 See TBWidget::SetAxis.
virtual void SetValue (long)
 Set the value of this widget. More...
virtual void SetValue (const TBValue &value)
 See TBWidget::SetValue.
virtual long GetValue () const
 See TBWidget::SetValue.
virtual void SetValueDouble (double value)
 Set the value in double precision. More...
virtual double GetValueDouble () const
 Return the value in double precision. More...
virtual bool SetText (const TBStr &)
 Set the text of this widget. More...
virtual bool GetText (TBStr &text) const
 Get the text of this widget. More...
TBStr GetText () const
 Get the text of this widget. More...
void Connect (TBWidgetValue *value)
 Connect this widget to a widget value. More...
void Unconnect ()
 Unconnect, if this widget is connected to a TBWidgetValue. More...
const TBWidgetValueConnectionGetConnection () const
 Get the widget TBWidgetValue. More...
virtual TBRect GetPaddingRect ()
 Get the rectangle inside any padding, relative to this widget. More...
virtual PreferredSize OnCalculatePreferredContentSize (const SizeConstraints &constraints)
 Calculate the preferred content size for this widget. More...
virtual PreferredSize OnCalculatePreferredSize (const SizeConstraints &constraints)
 Calculate the preferred size for this widget. More...
PreferredSize GetPreferredSize (const SizeConstraints &constraints)
 Get the PreferredSize for this widget. More...
PreferredSize GetPreferredSize ()
 See TBWidget::GetPreferredSize.
virtual void InvalidateLayout (INVALIDATE_LAYOUT il)
 Invalidate layout for this widget so it will be scheduled for relayout. More...
void SetLayoutParams (const LayoutParams &lp)
 Set layout params. More...
const LayoutParamsGetLayoutParams () const
 Get layout params, or nullptr if not specified. More...
void InvokeProcess ()
 Invoke OnProcess and OnProcessAfterChildren on this widget and its children. More...
void InvokeProcessStates (bool force_update=false)
 Invoke OnProcessStates on all child widgets, if state processing is needed (InvalidateStates() has been called)
void InvokePaint (const PaintProps &parent_paint_props)
 Invoke paint on this widget and all its children.
void InvokeFontChanged ()
 Invoke OnFontChanged on this widget and recursively on any children that inherit the font. More...
bool InvokeEvent (TBWidgetEvent &ev)
 Invoke a event on this widget. More...
bool InvokePointerDown (int x, int y, int click_count, MODIFIER_KEYS modifierkeys, bool touch)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokePointerUp (int x, int y, int click_count, MODIFIER_KEYS modifierkeys, bool touch)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
void InvokePointerMove (int x, int y, MODIFIER_KEYS modifierkeys, bool touch)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokeWheel (int x, int y, int delta_x, int delta_y, MODIFIER_KEYS modifierkeys)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokeMultiGesture (float dTheta, float dDist, int targetx, int targety, float x, float y, uint16_t numFingers)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokeFingerMotion (int x, int y, float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy, int finger)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokeFingerDown (int x, int y, float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy, int finger)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokeFingerUp (int x, int y, float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy, int finger)
 See TBWidget::InvokeEvent.
bool InvokeKey (int key, SPECIAL_KEY special_key, MODIFIER_KEYS modifierkeys, bool down)
 Invoke the EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN and EVENT_TYPE_KEY_UP events on the currently focused widget. More...
void ReleaseCapture ()
 A widget that receive a EVENT_TYPE_POINTER_DOWN event, will stay "captured" until EVENT_TYPE_POINTER_UP is received. More...
void ConvertToRoot (int &x, int &y) const
 Make x and y (relative to this widget) relative to the upper left corner of the root widget. More...
void ConvertFromRoot (int &x, int &y) const
 Make x and y (relative to the upper left corner of the root widget) relative to this widget. More...
bool SetFontDescription (const TBFontDescription &font_desc)
 Set the font description for this widget and any children that inherit the font. More...
TBFontDescription GetFontDescription () const
 Get the font description as set with SetFontDescription. More...
TBFontDescription GetCalculatedFontDescription () const
 Calculate the font description for this widget. More...
TBFontFaceGetFont () const
 Get the TBFontFace for this widget from the current font description (calculated by GetCalculatedFontDescription)
void StopLongClickTimer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from tb::TBTypedObject
virtual bool IsOfTypeId (const TB_TYPE_ID type_id) const
 Returns true if the class or the base class matches the type id.
template<class T >
T * SafeCastTo () const
 Returns this object as the given type or nullptr if it's not that type. More...
template<class T >
bool IsOfType () const
 Return true if this object can safely be casted to the given type. More...
virtual const char * GetClassName () const
 Get the classname of the object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetAutoFocusState (bool on)
 Set if the state WIDGET_STATE_FOCUSED should be set automatically for the focused widget. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from tb::TBTypedObject
template<class T >
static TB_TYPE_ID GetTypeId ()
 A static template method that returns a unique id for each type. More...

Public Attributes

TBValue::TYPE m_sync_type
 The data type that should be synchronized through TBWidgetValue. More...
TBValue data
 This value is free to use for anything. More...
struct {
   uint16_t   is_group_root: 1
   uint16_t   is_focusable: 1
   uint16_t   click_by_key: 1
   uint16_t   has_key_pressed_state: 1
   uint16_t   ignore_input: 1
   uint16_t   is_dying: 1
   uint16_t   is_cached_ps_valid: 1
   uint16_t   no_automatic_hover_state: 1
   uint16_t   is_panning: 1
   uint16_t   want_long_click: 1
   uint16_t   visibility: 2
   uint16_t   inflate_child_z: 1
uint16_t m_packed_init

Static Public Attributes

static TBWidgethovered_widget = nullptr
 The currently hovered widget, or nullptr.
static TBWidgetcaptured_widget = nullptr
 The currently captured widget, or nullptr.
static TBWidgetfocused_widget = nullptr
 The currently focused widget, or nullptr.
static int pointer_down_widget_x = 0
 Pointer x position on down event, relative to the captured widget.
static int pointer_down_widget_y = 0
 Pointer y position on down event, relative to the captured widget.
static int pointer_move_widget_x = 0
 Pointer x position on last pointer event, relative to the captured widget (if any) or hovered widget.
static int pointer_move_widget_y = 0
 Pointer y position on last pointer event, relative to the captured widget (if any) or hovered widget.
static bool cancel_click = false
 true if the pointer up event should not generate a click event.
static bool update_widget_states = true
 true if something has called InvalidateStates() and it still hasn't been updated.
static bool update_skin_states = true
 true if something has called InvalidateSkinStates() and skin still hasn't been updated.
static bool show_focus_state = false
 true if the focused state should be painted automatically.


class TBWidgetListener
 It does iteration of m_listeners for us.
class TBLongClickTimer

Detailed Description

The base TBWidget class.

Subclass this to implement UI controls. Each widget has a background skin (no skin specified by default) which will be used to calculate the default size preferences and padding around the preferred content size.

Note: When you subclass a widget, use the TBOBJECT_SUBCLASS macro to define the type casting functions instead of implementing those manually.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Type used for InvalidateLayout.


InvalidateLayout should not be recursively called on parents.


InvalidateLayout should recursively be called on parents too.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tb::TBWidget::~TBWidget ( )

< A widget must be removed from parent before deleted

Member Function Documentation

void tb::TBWidget::AddChild ( TBWidget child,

Add the child to this widget.

The child widget will automatically be deleted when this widget is deleted. (If the child isn't removed again with RemoveChild.)

void tb::TBWidget::AddChildRelative ( TBWidget child,
TBWidget reference,

Add the child to this widget.

See AddChild for adding a child to the top or bottom. This takes a relative Z and insert the child before or after the given reference widget.

void tb::TBWidget::AddListener ( TBWidgetListener listener)

Add a listener to this widget.

It should be removed again with RemoveListener before the widget is deleted.

void tb::TBWidget::Connect ( TBWidgetValue value)

Connect this widget to a widget value.

When this widget invokes EVENT_TYPE_CHANGED, it will automatically update the connected widget value, and any other widgets that may be connected to it.

On connection, the value of this widget will be updated to the value of the given TBWidgetValue.

void tb::TBWidget::ConvertFromRoot ( int &  x,
int &  y 
) const

Make x and y (relative to the upper left corner of the root widget) relative to this widget.

void tb::TBWidget::ConvertToRoot ( int &  x,
int &  y 
) const

Make x and y (relative to this widget) relative to the upper left corner of the root widget.

void tb::TBWidget::DeleteAllChildren ( )

Remove and delete all children in this widget.

Note: This won't invoke Die so there's no chance for widgets to survive or animate. They will be instantly removed and deleted.

void tb::TBWidget::Die ( )

Delete the widget with the possibility for some extended life during animations.

If any widget listener responds true to OnWidgetDying it will be kept as a child and live until the animations are done, but the widgets and all its children are marked as dying. Dying widgets get no input or focus.

If no widget listener responded, it will be deleted immediately.

WIDGET_STATE tb::TBWidget::GetAutoState ( ) const

Return the current combined state for this widget.

It will also add some automatic states, such as hovered (if the widget is currently hovered), or pressed etc.


Remarks for WIDGET_STATE_FOCUSED: May also be controlled by calling SetAutoFocusState and the define TB_ALWAYS_SHOW_EDIT_FOCUS.

TBFontDescription tb::TBWidget::GetCalculatedFontDescription ( ) const

Calculate the font description for this widget.

If this widget have unspecified font description, it will be inheritted from parent. If no parent specify any font, the default font description will be returned.

TBWidget * tb::TBWidget::GetChildFromIndex ( int  index) const

Get the child at the given index, or nullptr if there was no child at that index.

Note: Avoid calling this in loops since it does iteration. Consider iterating the widgets directly instead!

virtual void tb::TBWidget::GetChildTranslation ( int &  x,
int &  y 
) const

Return translation the children should have.

Any scrolling of child widgets should be done with this method, by returning the wanted translation.

When reimplementing this, you must also implement ScrollTo and GetScrollInfo so focus-scroll and panning will work automatically when dragging this or any child widget. Note: You can apply the translation on one widget and implement those methods on a parent, by returning this widget from the parents GetScrollRoot().

Reimplemented in tb::TBLayout, tb::TBEditFieldScrollRoot, and tb::TBScrollContainerRoot.

const TBWidgetValueConnection& tb::TBWidget::GetConnection ( ) const

Get the widget TBWidgetValue.

virtual TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetContentRoot ( )

Get this widget or a child widget that should be root for other children.

This is useful for widgets having multiple children by default, to specify which one that should get the children.

Reimplemented in tb::TBClickLabel, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBButton, tb::TBSection, tb::TBScrollContainer, and tb::TBTabContainer.

virtual bool tb::TBWidget::GetCustomSkinCondition ( const TBSkinCondition::CONDITION_INFO )

Get if skin condition applies to this widget.

This is called when a skin condition has the property PROPERTY_CUSTOM (not a generic one known by skin and the default widget condition context). This can be used to extend the skin conditions support with properties specific to different widgets.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField.

bool tb::TBWidget::GetDisabled ( ) const

Return true if this widget or any of its parents are disabled (has state WIDGET_STATE_DISABLED).

virtual TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetEventDestination ( )

Get the widget that should receive the events this widget invoke.

By default the parent.

Reimplemented in tb::TBPopupWindow, and tb::TBMessageWindow.

TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetFirstChild ( ) const

Get the widget's first child.

TBFontDescription tb::TBWidget::GetFontDescription ( ) const

Get the font description as set with SetFontDescription.

Use GetCalculatedFontDescription() to get the calculated font description (Inherit from parent widget etc.)

WIDGET_HIT_STATUS tb::TBWidget::GetHitStatus ( int  x,
int  y 

Get hit status tests if this widget should be hit at the given coordinate.

The default implementation checks the visibility, ignored input flag, rectangle, and disabled status.

Reimplemented in tb::TBResizer, tb::TBButton, tb::TBLayout, tb::TBEditFieldScrollRoot, and tb::TBSimpleLayoutItemWidget.

int tb::TBWidget::GetIndexFromChild ( TBWidget child) const

Get the child index of the given widget (that must be a child of this widget).

Note: Avoid calling this in loops since it does iteration. Consider iterating the widgets directly instead!

< Should not happen!

bool tb::TBWidget::GetIsDying ( ) const

Return true if this widget or any of its parents is dying.

bool tb::TBWidget::GetIsInteractable ( ) const

Get if this widget wants interaction depending on various states.

Cares about zero opacity, visibility, flag set by SetIgnoreInput, disabled state, and if the widget is currently dying.

TBLinkListOf<TBWidget>::Iterator tb::TBWidget::GetIteratorBackward ( )

Create an iterator to iterate through the widget's children, backward.

TBLinkListOf<TBWidget>::Iterator tb::TBWidget::GetIteratorForward ( )

Create an iterator to iterate through the widget's children, forward.

TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetLastChild ( ) const

Get the widget's last child.

TBWidget * tb::TBWidget::GetLastLeaf ( ) const

Get the last leaf of a depth search of the widget tree.

const LayoutParams* tb::TBWidget::GetLayoutParams ( ) const

Get layout params, or nullptr if not specified.

Note: The layout params has already been applied to the PreferredSize returned from GetPreferredSize so you normally don't need to check these params.

TBWidget * tb::TBWidget::GetNextDeep ( const TBWidget bounding_ancestor = nullptr) const

Get the next node in depth search of the widget tree.

TBRect tb::TBWidget::GetPaddingRect ( )

Get the rectangle inside any padding, relative to this widget.

This is the rectangle in which the content should be rendered.

This may be overridden to f.ex deduct space allocated by visible scrollbars managed by this widget. Anything that removes space from the content area.

Reimplemented in tb::TBWindow, and tb::TBScrollContainer.

TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetParent ( ) const

Get the parent widget, or nullptr if this widget is not added.

TBWidget * tb::TBWidget::GetParentRoot ( )

Get this widget or a parent widget that is the absolute root parent.

TBWindow * tb::TBWidget::GetParentWindow ( )

Get the closest parent widget that is a TBWindow or nullptr if there is none.

If this widget is a window itself, this will be returned.

PreferredSize tb::TBWidget::GetPreferredSize ( const SizeConstraints constraints)

Get the PreferredSize for this widget.

This returns cached data if valid, or calls OnCalculatePreferredSize if needed.

TBWidget * tb::TBWidget::GetPrevDeep ( ) const

Get the prev node in depth search of the widget tree.

TBScroller * tb::TBWidget::GetScroller ( )

Return the TBScroller set up for this widget, or nullptr if creation failed.

virtual ScrollInfo tb::TBWidget::GetScrollInfo ( )

If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it should return the current scroll information.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField, tb::TBLayout, and tb::TBScrollContainer.

virtual TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetScrollRoot ( )

If this widget is implementing ScrollTo and GetScrollInfo but the corresponding GetChildTranslation is implemented on a child, you should return that child from this method.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField, and tb::TBScrollContainer.

TBID tb::TBWidget::GetSkinBg ( ) const

Return the current skin background, as set by SetSkinBg.

TBSkinElement * tb::TBWidget::GetSkinBgElement ( )

Return the skin background element, or nullptr.

bool tb::TBWidget::GetState ( WIDGET_STATE  state) const

Get status of the given state(s).

Returns true if the given state combination is set.

WIDGET_STATE tb::TBWidget::GetStateRaw ( ) const

Get the widget state.

virtual bool tb::TBWidget::GetText ( TBStr text) const

Get the text of this widget.

Implemented by most widgets (that has text). returns false if it failed.

Reimplemented in tb::TBClickLabel, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBButton, tb::TBSection, tb::TBWindow, and tb::TBTextField.

TBStr tb::TBWidget::GetText ( ) const

Get the text of this widget.

Implemented by most widgets (that has text).

TBStr tb::TBWidget::GetTextByID ( const TBID id)

Get the text of a child widget with the given id, or an empty string if there was no widget with that id.

int tb::TBWidget::GetValueByID ( const TBID id)

Get the value of a child widget with the given id, or 0 if there was no widget with that id.

virtual double tb::TBWidget::GetValueDouble ( ) const

Return the value in double precision.

It only makes sense to use this instead of GetValue() on widgets that store the value as double. F.ex TBScrollBar, TBSlider.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBScrollBar, tb::TBEditField, and tb::TBTextField.

TBWidget * tb::TBWidget::GetWidgetAt ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  include_children 
) const

Returns the child widget that contains the coordinate or nullptr if no one does.

If include_children is true, the search will recurse into the childrens children.

TBWidget* tb::TBWidget::GetWidgetByID ( const TBID id) const

Get this widget or any child widget with a matching id, or nullptr if none is found.

template<class T >
T* tb::TBWidget::GetWidgetByIDAndType ( const TBID id) const

Get this widget or any child widget with a matching id and type, or nullptr if none is found.

void tb::TBWidget::Invalidate ( )

Invalidate should be called if the widget need to be repainted, to make sure the renderer repaints it and its children next frame.

void tb::TBWidget::InvalidateLayout ( INVALIDATE_LAYOUT  il)

Invalidate layout for this widget so it will be scheduled for relayout.

Any change to the size preferences for a widget should call this to let parent layout adjust to the change.

Remarks for layout widgets:

  • When a layout widget get this, it should mark its layout as invalid and do the layout later (in GetPreferredContentSize/GetPreferredSize are called). If a layout knows that no parents will be affected, it may stop recursion to parents to avoid unnecessary relayout.
  • When setting the size of a layout widget (typically from another layout widget or from a OnResize), it should be called with INVALIDATE_LAYOUT_TARGET_ONLY to avoid recursing back up to parents when already recursing down, to avoid unnecessary computation.

Reimplemented in tb::TBLayout, and tb::TBScrollContainer.

void tb::TBWidget::InvalidateSkinStates ( )

Call if something changes that might cause any skin to change due to different state or conditions.

This is called automatically from InvalidateStates(), when event EVENT_TYPE_CHANGED is invoked, and in various other situations.

void tb::TBWidget::InvalidateStates ( )

Call if something changes that might need other widgets to update their state.

F.ex if a action availability changes, some widget might have to become enabled/disabled. Calling this will result in a later call to OnProcessStates().


bool tb::TBWidget::InvokeEvent ( TBWidgetEvent ev)

Invoke a event on this widget.

This will first check with all registered TBWidgetListener if the event should be dispatched.

If the widgets OnEvent returns false (event not handled), it will continue traversing to GetEventDestination (by default the parent) until a widget handles the event.

Note: When invoking event EVENT_TYPE_CHANGED, this will update the value of other widgets connected to the same group.

Note: Some event types will automatically invalidate states (See InvalidateStates(), InvalidateSkinStates())

Note: Remember that this widgets may be deleted after this call! So if you really must do something after this call and are not sure what the event will cause, use TBWidgetSafePointer to detect self deletion.

void tb::TBWidget::InvokeFontChanged ( )

Invoke OnFontChanged on this widget and recursively on any children that inherit the font.

bool tb::TBWidget::InvokeKey ( int  key,
SPECIAL_KEY  special_key,
MODIFIER_KEYS  modifierkeys,
bool  down 

Invoke the EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN and EVENT_TYPE_KEY_UP events on the currently focused widget.

This will also do some generic key handling, such as cycling focus on tab etc.

void tb::TBWidget::InvokeProcess ( )

Invoke OnProcess and OnProcessAfterChildren on this widget and its children.

bool tb::TBWidget::IsAncestorOf ( TBWidget other_widget) const

Return true if this widget is the same or a ancestor of other_widget.

bool tb::TBWidget::MoveFocus ( bool  forward)

Move focus from the currently focused widget to another focusable widget.

It will search for a focusable widget in the same TBWindow (or top root if there is no window) forward or backwards in the widget order.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnAdded ( )

Called when this widget has been added to a parent (after calling OnChildAdded on parent).

Reimplemented in tb::TBDimmer, tb::TBEditField, and tb::TBWindow.

PreferredSize tb::TBWidget::OnCalculatePreferredContentSize ( const SizeConstraints constraints)

Calculate the preferred content size for this widget.

This is the size of the actual content. Don't care about padding or other decoration.

Reimplemented in tb::TBClickLabel, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBButton, tb::TBLayout, tb::TBTextField, tb::TBScrollContainer, and tb::TBTabLayout.

PreferredSize tb::TBWidget::OnCalculatePreferredSize ( const SizeConstraints constraints)

Calculate the preferred size for this widget.

This is the full size of the widget, content + padding + eventual other decoration (but not skin expansion). This is the size that should be used for layouting a widget. The returned PreferredSize also contains minimal size and maximum size.

Reimplemented in tb::TBRadioCheckBox, tb::TBSkinImage, tb::TBSection, and tb::TBWindow.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnCaptureChanged ( bool  )

Called when the capture has changed.

Reimplemented in tb::TBButton.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnChildAdded ( TBWidget )

Called when a child widget has been added to this widget (before calling OnAdded on child).

Reimplemented in tb::TBWindow, and tb::TBTabLayout.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnChildRemove ( TBWidget )

Called when a child widget is about to be removed from this widget (before calling OnRemove on child).

void tb::TBWidget::OnDeflate ( const INFLATE_INFO info)

Called when this widget is deflated to a node, before any children have been deflated.

This will write generic widget properties and add the widget to the node. If overridden, you must call the super implementation.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBButton, tb::TBLayout, and tb::TBTextField.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnDie ( )

Called when Die() is called on this widget.

Note: Not called for children to the widget Die() was invoked on even though they are also dying.

Reimplemented in tb::TBMessageWindow, and tb::TBMenuWindow.

virtual bool tb::TBWidget::OnEvent ( const TBWidgetEvent )
virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnFocusChanged ( bool  )

Called when the focus has changed.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnFontChanged ( )

Called when the font has changed.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField, and tb::TBTextField.

void tb::TBWidget::OnInflate ( const INFLATE_INFO info)

Called when this widget is inflated from resources, before any children have been inflated.

This will read generic widget properties and add the widget to the hierarchy if it's not already added. If overridden, you must call the super implementation.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBScrollBar, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBButton, tb::TBLayout, tb::TBSelectDropdown, tb::TBTextField, tb::TBScrollContainer, tb::TBSelectList, tb::TBTabContainer, tb::TBToggleContainer, and tb::TBInlineSelect.

void tb::TBWidget::OnInflateChild ( TBWidget child)

Called just after a child has been inflated into this widget.

The default implementation will resize the child to it's preferred size and position it according to the gravity. If you implement a layouting widget, you should override this to prevent doing unnecessary measuring.

Reimplemented in tb::TBLayout.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnPaint ( const PaintProps )

Callback for painting this widget.

The skin is already painted and the opacity set to reflect this widgets. This is only called for widgets with a opacity > 0

Reimplemented in tb::TBProgressSpinner, tb::TBEditField, and tb::TBTextField.

void tb::TBWidget::OnPaintChildren ( const PaintProps paint_props)

Callback for painting child widgets.

The default implementation is painting all children.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField, tb::TBLayout, tb::TBEditFieldScrollRoot, and tb::TBScrollContainerRoot.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnProcess ( )

Callback for doing anything that might be needed before paint.

F.ex Updating invalid layout, formatting text etc.

Reimplemented in tb::TBLayout, tb::TBScrollContainer, tb::TBSelectList, and tb::TBTabContainer.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnProcessAfterChildren ( )

Callback for doing anything that might be needed before paint.

This is called after OnProcess has been called on this widgets children.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSection, and tb::TBSelectList.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnProcessStates ( )

Callback for doing state updates that depend on your application state.

F.ex setting the disabled state on a widget whose action is currently not available. This callback is called for all widgets before OnProcess if something has called InvalidateStates().

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnRemove ( )

Called when a this widget has been removed from its parent (after calling OnChildRemove on parent).

Reimplemented in tb::TBWindow.

void tb::TBWidget::OnResized ( int  old_w,
int  old_h 

Called when this widget has been resized.

The default implementation move and resize all children according to their gravity.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBScrollBar, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBLayout, tb::TBWindow, and tb::TBScrollContainer.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnScroll ( int  ,

Called when this widget has been scrolled.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnSkinChanged ( )

Called when the background skin changes by calling SetSkinBg(), or when the skin has changed indirectly after a skin condition changes in a way that may affect layout.

For indirect skin changes, OnSkinChanged is called before validation of layouts is about to happen in InvokeProcess().

Reimplemented in tb::TBButton, tb::TBSelectList, and tb::TBInlineSelect.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::OnVisibilityChanged ( )

Called when the visibility has changed.

Note: This is not called when combined visibility change, so it may change visibility because of ancestors without this being called.

void tb::TBWidget::ReleaseCapture ( )

A widget that receive a EVENT_TYPE_POINTER_DOWN event, will stay "captured" until EVENT_TYPE_POINTER_UP is received.

While captured, all EVENT_TYPE_POINTER_MOVE are sent to it. This method can force release the capture, which may happen, ie. if the TBWidget is removed while captured.

void tb::TBWidget::RemoveChild ( TBWidget child,

Remove child from this widget without deleting it.

void tb::TBWidget::RemoveFromParent ( )

Remove this widget from parent if it has one.

void tb::TBWidget::ScrollBy ( int  dx,
int  dy 

If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it will scroll by delta dx, dy relative to its current position.

void tb::TBWidget::ScrollByRecursive ( int &  dx,
int &  dy 

Scroll this widget and/or any parent widgets by the given delta.

dx and dy will be reduced by the amount that was successfully scrolled.

void tb::TBWidget::ScrollBySmooth ( int  dx,
int  dy 

Start the TBScroller for this widget and scroll it by the given delta.

Consecutive calls will accumulate the scroll speed.

void tb::TBWidget::ScrollIntoView ( const TBRect rect)

If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it will scroll so that rect is visible.

Rect is relative to this widget.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::ScrollTo ( int  ,

If this is a widget that scroll children (see GetChildTranslation), it should scroll to the coordinates x, y.

This must result in calling OnScroll if scrolling occured.

Reimplemented in tb::TBEditField, tb::TBLayout, and tb::TBScrollContainer.

void tb::TBWidget::ScrollToSmooth ( int  x,
int  y 

Start the TBScroller for this widget and scroll it to the given position.

Will cancel any on going smooth scroll operation.

void tb::TBWidget::SetAutoFocusState ( bool  on)

Set if the state WIDGET_STATE_FOCUSED should be set automatically for the focused widget.

This value is set to true when moving focus by keyboard, and set to off when clicking with the pointer.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::SetAxis ( AXIS  )

Set along which axis the content should be layed out.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBScrollBar, tb::TBClickLabel, tb::TBButton, tb::TBLayout, tb::TBTabContainer, and tb::TBInlineSelect.

void tb::TBWidget::SetClickByKey ( bool  click_by_key)

Set if this widget should emulate a click when it's focused and pressing enter or space.

bool tb::TBWidget::SetFocus ( WIDGET_FOCUS_REASON  reason,

Set this widget to be the focused widget.

It will be the one receiving keyboard input. Widgets can be focused only after enabling it (See SetIsFocusable(true)). Invisible or disabled widgets can not be focused.

If SetFocus is called on a widget in a inactive window, it will succeed (return true), but it won't actually become focused until that window is activated (See TBWindow::SetLastFocus).

Returns true if successfully focused, or if set as last focus in its window.

bool tb::TBWidget::SetFocusRecursive ( WIDGET_FOCUS_REASON  reason = WIDGET_FOCUS_REASON_UNKNOWN)

Call SetFocus on all children and their children, until a widget is found that accepts it.

Returns true if some child was successfully focused.

bool tb::TBWidget::SetFontDescription ( const TBFontDescription font_desc)

Set the font description for this widget and any children that inherit the font.

Setting a unspecified TBFontDescription (no changes made since construction) means it will be inherited from parent (the default).

Returns true and invokes OnFontChanged on all affected widgets, if the font was successfully set.

Returns false and keep the font onchanged if it no matching font exists or fails creation.

void tb::TBWidget::SetGravity ( WIDGET_GRAVITY  g)

Set the widget gravity (any combination of WIDGET_GRAVITY).

For child widgets in a layout, the gravity affects how the layout is done depending on the layout settings. For child widgets in a non layout widget, it will do some basic resizing/moving: -left && right: Widget resize horizontally when parent resize. -!left && right: Widget follows the right edge when parent resize. -top && bottom: Widget resize vertically when parent resize. -!top && bottom: Widget follows the bottom edge when parent resize.

void tb::TBWidget::SetGroupID ( const TBID id)

Set the group id reference for this widgets.

This id is 0 by default. All widgets with the same group id under the same group root will be automatically changed when one changes its value.

void tb::TBWidget::SetID ( const TBID id)

Set the id reference for this widgets.

This id is 0 by default. You can use this id to receive the widget from GetWidgetByID (or preferable TBSafeGetByID to avoid dangerous casts).

void tb::TBWidget::SetIgnoreInput ( bool  ignore_input)

Set if this widget should ignore input, as if it didn't exist.

void tb::TBWidget::SetIsFocusable ( bool  focusable)

Set if this widget should be able to receive focus or not.

void tb::TBWidget::SetIsGroupRoot ( bool  group_root)

Set if this widget is a group root.

Grouped widgets (such as TBRadioButton) will toggle all other widgets with the same group_id under the nearest parent group root. TBWindow is a group root by default.

void tb::TBWidget::SetLayoutParams ( const LayoutParams lp)

Set layout params.

Calls InvalidateLayout.

void tb::TBWidget::SetOpacity ( float  opacity)

Set opacity for this widget and its children from 0.0 - 1.0.

If opacity is 0 (invisible), the widget won't receive any input.

void tb::TBWidget::SetPosition ( const TBPoint pos)

Set position of this widget in its parent.

The position is relative to the parent widget.

void tb::TBWidget::SetRect ( const TBRect rect)

Set the rect for this widget in its parent.

The rect is relative to the parent widget. The skin may expand outside this rect to draw f.ex shadows.

void tb::TBWidget::SetSize ( int  width,
int  height 

Set size of this widget.

void tb::TBWidget::SetSkinBg ( const TBID skin_bg,

Set the skin background for this widget and call OnSkinChanged if it changed.

The skin background is used for calculating padding, preferred size etc. if the widget doesn't have any preferences itself.

The skin will be painted according to the current widget state (WIDGET_STATE). If there is no special skin state for WIDGET_STATE_FOCUSED, it will paint the skin element called "generic_focus" (if it exist) after painting all widget children.

It's possible to omit the OnSkinChanged callback using WIDGET_INVOKE_INFO_NO_CALLBACKS.

void tb::TBWidget::SetState ( WIDGET_STATE  state,
bool  on 

Enable or disable the given state(s).

The state affects which skin state is used when drawing. Some states are set automatically on interaction. See GetAutoState().

void tb::TBWidget::SetStateRaw ( WIDGET_STATE  state)

Set the widget state.

Like SetState but setting the entire state as given, instead of toggling individual states. See SetState for more info on states.

virtual bool tb::TBWidget::SetText ( const TBStr )

Set the text of this widget.

Implemented by most widgets (that has text).

Reimplemented in tb::TBClickLabel, tb::TBEditField, tb::TBButton, tb::TBSection, tb::TBWindow, and tb::TBTextField.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::SetValue ( long  )

Set the value of this widget.

Implemented by most widgets (that has a value). Note: Some widgets also provide special setters with other types (such as double).

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBScrollBar, tb::TBRadioCheckBox, tb::TBProgressSpinner, tb::TBButton, tb::TBSelectDropdown, tb::TBSection, tb::TBSelectList, tb::TBTabContainer, tb::TBToggleContainer, and tb::TBInlineSelect.

virtual void tb::TBWidget::SetValueDouble ( double  value)

Set the value in double precision.

It only makes sense to use this instead of SetValue() on widgets that store the value as double. F.ex TBScrollBar, TBSlider.

Reimplemented in tb::TBSliderX< VAL_T >, tb::TBScrollBar, tb::TBEditField, and tb::TBTextField.

void tb::TBWidget::SetVisibility ( WIDGET_VISIBILITY  vis)

Set visibility for this widget and its children.

If visibility is not WIDGET_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE, the widget won't receive any input.

void tb::TBWidget::SetWantLongClick ( bool  want_long_click)

Set if this widget should generate long-click event (or context menu event if nothing handles the long click event).

The default is false.

void tb::TBWidget::SetZ ( WIDGET_Z  z)

Sets the z-order of this widget related to its siblings.

When a widget is added with AddChild, it will be placed at the top in the parent (Above previously added widget). SetZ can be used to change the order.

void tb::TBWidget::SetZInflate ( WIDGET_Z  z)

Set the z order in which children are added during resource loading.

void tb::TBWidget::Unconnect ( )

Unconnect, if this widget is connected to a TBWidgetValue.

Member Data Documentation

TBValue tb::TBWidget::data

This value is free to use for anything.

It's not used by TBWidget itself. Initially TYPE_NULL.

TBValue::TYPE tb::TBWidget::m_sync_type

The data type that should be synchronized through TBWidgetValue.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: